Transforming a live illustration business with a virtual assistant: interview with Katie Chappell

Meet Katie, a virtual scribe and live event illustrator best known for her fresh wobbly illustration and giant live window paintings. She has created live illustrations for global clients including Apple, Facebook, Google, Chromebook, BT, Dove and Nespresso among many others. 

"Emma is a first class VA and she has really transformed my live illustration business and my client onboarding system (before Emma came along...there was no system, haha). Super organised and responsive with an amazing eye for systems and simplifying things. Since having Emma on my team I am more consistent, my newsletter actually goes out(!!) and everything runs smoothly. Thank you Emma!! <3" 

~ Katie Chappell

I've been working with Katie since August 2020 when she was looking for help with the day-to-day running of her live illustration business and was delighted when Katie agreed to feature on my blog. I hope you enjoy reading her interview...

Hi Katie, please introduce yourself

Hello! I'm a live event illustrator (also known as a graphic recorder, visual scribe, or sketch note taker).

What challenges did you face before you started working with me? 

My business was growing but I was struggling to keep on top of client onboarding, following up with enquiries and staying consistent with things like my newsletter and social media.

Did you try to resolve this challenge prior to working with me? If so, what happened?

I would download a template or try a new scheduling app, and then stop using it after a couple of weeks. I also tried working with 2 other VAs who were okay-ish for a few weeks and then disappeared.

What made you decide to work with a VA rather than employ someone? 

As my business is 100% online, I knew I wanted a virtual assistant and somebody who could help me be more consistent. When I first hired Emma I wasn't ready for an employee who would need training and hand-holding. Emma is brilliant - it's really like having another pair of (consistent, organised, and excellent-at-proofreading) hands.

What was the most important consideration when choosing the right VA to work with? 

I wanted to work with somebody who I felt I could trust. Emma has access to my email inbox, to my website etc. and after we first spoke on the phone I knew she was going to be spot-on for the job :) She feels like more of a friend than a VA.

What difference has working with me made to your business? 

My business has grown even more since working with Emma. My Twitter account engagement has grown LOADS, and financially I am able to take on lots more work now that I have Emma following up with enquiries and helping me streamline my processes.

What three words best describe your experience of working with me?

Streamlined, trustworthy, and reliable.

What would you say to someone thinking about working with me?

Do it! You'll never look baaack!

Anything else you’d like to add?

Just a big thank you for helping me get my business stuff all organised and consistent. I love getting nudged when it's time to write a newsletter or create some blog posts.

brunette woman drawing on ipad behind blurred plant

If you want live illustration, graphic recording, scribing and/or beautiful visual notes without all the fuss, or just want to learn more about live illustration, visit Katie's website here.

If you’re thinking of outsourcing to a VA, get in touch and tell me what you need. I’d love to help!

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Emma Read

Emma Read is a dedicated virtual assistant matchmaker and the award-winning founder of Emma Read VA & Associates. She launched her VA business in 2016 to help small business owners reclaim their time and focus on what they love. Emma specialises in matching UK entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners with their ideal virtual assistant.

Emma's personalised approach ensures you get the perfect virtual assistant to meet your unique needs. From understanding your requirements to thorough vetting and seamless onboarding, Emma handles it all. Save time, avoid the hassle, and get the support you need to focus on what you love. Get in touch with Emma today to find your ideal VA.

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