5 ways to use technology to increase productivity

hand with pink nail polish holding iphone over apply mac on dark wood desk

Sometimes days go past and not much seems to have happened, which leaves a frustrated feeling that productivity levels aren’t what they could have been. Here are some top tips for using the technology we have available to increase productivity and give that feeling of achievement!

1. Plan ahead

Everyone knows that planning is important, but do they really take the time to ensure that their day/week/month/year is organised and focussed on their goals? Putting aside time to plan on a regular basis is crucial for success, and using a planning or task management tool can really aid with putting the structure in place required.

2. Automate where possible

Automation allows businesses to save time on unnecessary tasks and focus on what they need to be doing. A lot of big businesses use automation to be able to scale effectively – but there are plenty of automation tools for small businesses which will transform the way they work.

3. Organise time

There are plenty of ways of organising time – and planning plays a big part in deciding what to spend time on. Different approaches include blocking out chunks in calendars, using time tracking and productivity apps to keep motivated. Try out different approaches to find out which will work best. 

4. Review progress and efficiency

A lot of businesses can get on board with planning, but the stage after that is often forgotten. Businesses need to know how well they are doing, whether this is in terms of sales, tasks achieved, or the KPI’s that have been set. Using the reporting function of business tools helps review how the business is doing and whether it is meeting the targets desired.

5. Use the most suitable technology

Each business is different, and there are a large variety of systems and tools available. It is great to get recommendations from colleagues and peers, but as each set-up is unique it can be better to get an expert who can provide the best proposal of tools for the business. 

Using the right systems and applications is the key element in getting technology to make a business more productive!

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Emily Hatton

Emily is the founder of Remote Hub Solutions. She has nearly 10 year’s experience working remotely for a variety of small businesses and corporate companies. As an experienced business analyst and project manager, Emily has the skills and experience to get to know your business and provide solutions to move it forward.

​Emily is a Remote Working advocate and is passionate about empowering businesses within these challenging and constantly changing times. Her background in HR, as well as systems, means she is perfectly placed to assist with your complete remote working requirements.


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