10 time-wasting habits to kick before hiring a virtual assistant

pens and notebooks on a white desk beside a vase of beautiful peach roses

As a successful business owner, I’m sure you understand the value of time and its impact on your productivity and success. Unfortunately, there are certain habits that can drain your time and hinder your progress, especially when you're focused on growing your business.

Although it can be tempting to bring a virtual assistant (VA) on board in the early days of your business, it’s essential that you can identify and eliminate these time-wasting habits first. This will save you time later on and help you foster a better relationship with your VA!

In this post, I go over ten common habits to kick before delegating to a virtual assistant, so you can streamline your workflow, boost your productivity, and achieve your business goals more efficiently. Let’s get started!

1. Procrastinating

Procrastination is a common time-wasting habit that many people struggle with, especially when faced with overwhelming or unpleasant tasks. Believe me, you’re not alone in putting things off until the last minute, but this often leads to increased stress and decreased productivity.

It's important to identify the root causes of your procrastination. For example, are you avoiding a task because you find it overwhelming or because you simply don't want to do it?

Once you’ve unearthed the underlying cause, it becomes easier to develop strategies that will stop your procrastination from becoming a persistent problem!

One great strategy is to break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This makes it easier to start a task and build momentum towards completing it. It can also help to set specific, achievable goals for each step, which can increase focus and motivation.

2. Multitasking

Multitasking has been a popular buzzword in the workplace for years, with many people believing it is an efficient way to get more done. However, research has shown that multitasking can actually decrease productivity by up to 40% and lead to more errors.

This is because the brain is not designed to focus on multiple tasks simultaneously. Instead, it must constantly switch between tasks, which can cause mental fatigue and reduce efficiency.

To avoid the pitfalls of multitasking, it is recommended to focus on one task at a time. By doing so, you can give your full attention to the task at hand, complete it more quickly and accurately, and move on to the next without the burden of unfinished work lingering in your mind.

Once again, breaking larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps can help you stay focused and reduce the temptation to multitask. With this approach, you can approach each task with more intention and mindfulness, leading to greater productivity and efficiency in the long run.

3. Checking email too often

Checking your email frequently can be an easy habit to fall into, but it’s also a significant time-waster. Every time you stop what you're doing to check your email, you're interrupting your workflow and losing your focus.

Like with multitasking, this can make it harder to get back to the task at hand and increase the time that you would usually spend completing it.

To combat this, it's important to set designated times to check your email. Depending on your workload, you may need to check it once an hour, twice a day, or even less frequently. Try to resist the urge to check it outside of these times, and you’ll soon break this pesky habit.

If you find yourself struggling, try turning off email notifications on your phone and computer. This way, you won't be tempted to stop what you're doing every time a new email comes in. Instead, you can focus on the task at hand and check your email during your designated times.

4. Social media scrolling

Social media can be a double-edged sword. While it can be a great way to stay connected and engage with your audience, it can also be a significant time-waster.

I’ll be the first to say that scrolling through your feed is incredibly tempting, but it’s essential that you limit your social media time during the workday. To make this easier, I suggest you remove the apps from your phone or at least turn off your notifications.

If you still think you’ll be tempted to check your feed, try scheduling your social media time into your day. For example, you could allocate 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening to catch up on social media.

Alternatively, you could set specific time limits on your scrolling habit. For example, try limiting yourself to 10 minutes per social media platform per day. This time can be taken at any point in the day, but you must ensure you stick to the time limits.

Either of these strategies will force you to be more intentional with your time on social media and help you avoid getting sucked into endless scrolling sessions.

5. Poor planning

Poor planning can also take up a lot of your time as it leads to disorganisation, missed deadlines, and ultimately wasted time. Without a clear plan for the day, it's easy to get sidetracked by less important tasks or spend too much time on one task, leaving others unfinished.

To combat this, I suggest you take a few minutes each morning to plan your day and prioritise your tasks. Start by creating a to-do list, and sort the tasks in priority order. This can help you stay on track and ensure that you're making progress toward your goals.

It's also essential to be realistic about how much time each task will take. Don't try to cram too many tasks into one day, as this can lead to feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. Instead, focus on the most critical tasks and allocate enough time to complete them properly.

Remember, planning your day is not a one-time event but a continuous process. As your priorities and workload change, it's essential to adjust your plans accordingly.

6. Lack of focus

Lack of focus can be a significant time-waster that can prevent you from achieving your goals. It can be challenging to maintain concentration in a world full of distractions. However, there are several strategies that you can use to improve your focus and boost your productivity.

One approach is to find a quiet workspace with minimal distractions. Consider wearing noise-cancelling headphones to block out unwanted sounds in your workspace or using a productivity app to block distracting websites and apps.

Another strategy is to take frequent breaks. Research has shown that taking short breaks throughout the day can help you maintain focus and increase productivity. Even a 30-second break can help, but I recommend taking 5-10 minutes every hour or so to recharge your batteries.

Finally, consider working on one task per work session. For example, you could set a timer for a specific period, and then work on your task during that time. When the timer goes off, take a short break and move on to the next task. This can help you stay motivated and avoid procrastination.

7. Meetings

Meetings can be a significant time-waster, especially if they are not necessary or productive. Before scheduling a meeting, consider whether it's really needed or if the same information could be communicated via email or a quick phone call.

If a meeting is necessary, make sure to set a clear agenda and stick to it so that everyone knows what they need to accomplish during the meeting and can stay on track.

Also, consider whether all the people invited to the meeting need to be there. If someone's presence isn't crucial, leave them off the invitation list to save everyone's time. The same is true if your presence isn’t required; try to get out of the habit of supervising every meeting.

Finally, try to keep meetings as short as possible. Set a clear start and end time, and stick to it, no matter what. By being more mindful of the time spent in meetings, you can free up more time to focus on other important tasks.

8. Perfectionism

Perfectionism is common among many business owners, but it can take up a lot of your time. Trying to make everything perfect can lead to a never-ending cycle of tweaking and adjusting, which can waste valuable time and prevent you from moving on to other tasks.

Instead of striving for perfection, aim for excellence. Recognise when something is good enough to move forward and don't let minor imperfections hold you back.

A great way to do this is by setting realistic goals and deadlines for yourself. Instead of trying to make everything perfect, focus on completing tasks within the set amount of time. This can stop you from getting bogged down in details that aren't crucial to the task at hand.

Another helpful tip is to ask for feedback from others. Sometimes, we can get too close to our work and have a hard time seeing it objectively. Getting input from others can help you see areas for improvement and provide a fresh perspective.

9. Lack of boundaries

A lack of boundaries is also a significant time-waster, especially if you work in an environment with a lot of interruptions and distractions. Without clear parameters, others are more likely to disrupt your work, making it challenging to focus on tasks and get things done efficiently.

To combat this, it's important to set boundaries and communicate them to others. The parameters you set need to be based on your working environment and what works best for you.

This could include letting your colleagues or family members know when you are working and need uninterrupted time, or setting specific times for breaks or socialising. You may also want to consider creating a physical boundary, such as closing your office door or using a "do not disturb" sign.

It's also essential to respect the boundaries of others, as this can create a positive and respectful environment. If you respect your VA's boundaries they’re much more likely to show you the same level of respect.

10. Lack of self-care

Taking care of yourself is an essential part of being productive. Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, exhaustion, and a lack of motivation, so it's important to make sure you're taking care of your body and mind by prioritising activities that nourish you.

This can include things like exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Make sure to schedule time for these self-care activities, just as you would schedule time for work tasks. This will help you maintain a healthy balance between your work and personal life.

It's also important to make sure you're taking care of your physical needs, such as getting enough sleep and eating nutritious meals. Neglecting these needs can lead to decreased energy and focus, making it harder to be productive.

Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish. It's an essential part of being able to show up and do your best work. Prioritising self-care can actually help you be more productive and efficient in the long run!

By breaking these time-wasting habits, you'll not only improve your productivity but also set yourself up for success when working with a virtual assistant.

If you’ve already abandoned these habits and want to start working with a VA, why not get in touch? You’ll be surprised just how much a great VA can do for you and your business!

TLDR: This post highlights 10 time-wasting habits to kick before hiring a virtual assistant. By identifying and breaking these habits, you can improve productivity, focus, and communication with your virtual assistant, increasing your business's growth and efficiency.


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Emma Read

Emma Read, the multi-award-winning force behind Emma Read & Associates, is your trusted partner for bespoke business support. With a passion for empowering ambitious entrepreneurs, Emma streamlines operations, manages your to-do list, and gives you the freedom to focus on business growth.

Together with her highly skilled team, Emma offers flexible, tailored solutions to align with your unique needs. If you're ready to tame your chaos and experience the power of professional virtual assistance, contact Emma today and discover the difference of having a dedicated virtual right hand.


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