Journey to business efficiency

Welcome to my blog, your go-to source for tips, insights, and inspiration to simplify your business journey. I cover everything from mastering delegation to boosting productivity – all aimed at saving you time and energy.

I also feature advice from industry experts. So if you've got wisdom to share, I'd love to hear from you! Drop me a line to learn more about contributing.

Business tips Anna McManus-Hughes Business tips Anna McManus-Hughes

The power of planning

Learn why planning is essential for small business owners and how it can lead to more sales, clients, and control over your day. Start small, review your progress weekly, and find the planning method that works best for you.

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Business tips Nicki Cawood Business tips Nicki Cawood

Maintaining a full freelance diary

Learn how to maintain a full freelance diary with these tips from an experienced freelancer. Discover how to streamline your work-finding process, offer greater value to clients, leverage testimonials and reviews, embrace networking, and avoid falling into the discount trap.

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